McKeen V Perdomo: A Disastrous Debate

The Revolutionary Reader

Opinion Piece

Luciferio Mickomik

LaVetia, Malus
Saturday, June 17, 2023
LVII Anno Satanas 

A Hilariously Horrible Exchange 

The President of Zeprana, Terry McKeen, and the King of Pontunia, Andrew Perdomo, engaged in a debate on June 17, 2023. The debate was moderated by Charles I of the Empire of Ela'r'oech. It's hard to call this a debate, as neither leader even chose a topic before the debate began. 

I don't even know where to start with a commentary on this. Both participants came out looking horrible, in particular, Perdomo, who had to fend off ad hominems, false allegations, and half-baked arguments. For his part, McKeen also had to endure a series of insults and subject-switching. Despite this, it is the listener who suffered the most, as we were made to listen to two teenagers whining and screaming for perhaps an hour or so.

I was going to break this article into sections, discussing each topic of the debate. However, this wasn't possible as they weren't defined before it began. McKeen and Perdomo attempted to discuss a variety of things relating to the United Socialist Republics, of which Zeprana is an autonomous republic. Perdomo claimed, among other things, that the USR is a scam, due to how they encourage people to mine for Bitcoin for their economy. 
Later, McKeen would be confronted with the allegation that he leaked people's addresses on the ALMchat service. He would claim that the information he posted was "publically available" information regarding a government office of Hoku, a micronation with a complex history with the USR. However, it should be noted that this is not the case and that the person who was doxed did not want their information spread. When this was pointed out, McKeen did not address that point.
"Vladkova" is the ALMchat name of McKeen.
Johann is replying to his message.

A message sent to Mickomik by the leader of Hoku

Another weird topic that the debate eventually strayed to was racism. McKeen called those close to Perdomo racist, naming Christoph Billung specifically as an example. In response, Perdomo levied the same accusation towards McKeen, who in turn denied it and said he was an anti-racist. This point is patently false, as McKeen's history of racism and racist comments has been documented and can be seen on his own Twitter page.¹ ² 

The conversation then became hard to track, and even less newsworthy to cover, so it won't be covered. It should be noted that McKeen accused both Perdomo and Conor Gallagher of the Coinín Free State (who was listening to the debate) of being "sexual degenerates" and "pedophiles," an allegation commonly thrown around by members of the government of the USR against their detractors.

Hopefully, this debate never is repeated, and nothing like this ever happens again. 

[1] Terry McKeen's racist comments directed toward Muslims and Black people
[2] Screenshots of McKeen being racist in ALMchat


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